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You refer to the usual range of residual waste types but could you please provide full details of the quantities of waste that you are assuming for all the various types both for LACW and for C and I waste and the classification scheme that you are using?

The Buttington facility is being developed on a merchant basis but recognises the significant market gap as set out in the application. It is envisaged that the facility will provide a treatment solution for uncontracted Powys and Ceredigion Councils household waste (MSW) totalling 39ktpa (Table 5 of the Report).

The remainder will consist of C & I waste generated within the catchment i.e. 128ktpa. The present assumption is that around 38ktpa of this C & I value is generated within Wales and the remaining C & I feedstock (90ktpa) generated within the English Local authorities within the 2 hour catchment.

Broad Group uses the industry recognised European Waste Classification (EWC) system for categorising waste types to be managed at the Buttington facility.  

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