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With a Welshpool postcode of SY21 7RG, will we be affected by smells of waste not processed, or via the operation itsself?

No – there are strict odour controls in place to ensure that there is no odour beyond the site boundary.   The following mitigation measures will be implemented to reduce the risk of odour or vermin and scavengers arising from the Installation’s activities:

·  all waste transfer, including loading and unloading will take place within the confines of the building;

·  the reception of waste from delivery vehicles will take place through automatic fast-acting doors;

·  once the waste materials are inside the building, all off-loading will take place within the building;

the Installation will be equipped with a sophisticated atmosphere control system - air collected by the atmosphere control system will be used as combustion air in the combustion plant chamber;

·  all elements of the atmosphere control system will be incorporated into the Installation’s planned preventative maintenance (“PPM”) system;

·  housekeeping, both externally and internally, will be of a high standard; the PPM system at the Installation will incorporate procedures for housekeeping, supported by the production of housekeeping schedules; and

·  daily visual and olfactory assessments will be undertaken at the Installation.

Frequently Asked Questions