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The road into and out of the quarry is approx 200m away from an accident hotspot, on a very busy road, particulary during the summer holiday periods. Will the increase in traffic not have a detrimental effect on the road surface, cause additional pollution, but likely to increase the risk of accident over the narrow Cefn bridge?

As indicated within Table 5.8 of the Transport Assessment, which is contained at Technical Appendix 8-1 of the Environmental Statement, once operational the development is only expected to add moderate additional traffic levels to the A458.  The Personal Injury Accident history within the agreed study area is examined within the Transport Assessment.  However, it is considered that the moderate traffic levels associated with the development proposal would be unlikely to materially affect the PIA record of the local road network.  In addition, it is considered that any deficiency in the surfacing of the A458 would be picked up as part of routine maintenance on the trunk road by the Highway Authority. 

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