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Please outline emergency procedures in the event of an unintentional release of gases from the stack.

The CEMS is a predictive and preventative system and not reactive.  It is directly linked to the waste feeding system, the combustion control system and the flu gas treatment system.  This is important as it monitors emissions levels 24 hours per day and is able to predict trending in emissions levels and send controlling messaging to the facility systems to ensure that the waste feed, combustion and flu gas treatment control systems are adjusted in real time to ensure that emission levels are maintained within the permitted levels at all times.

Should the CEMS predict that it is not possible to rectify an emission trend through the adjustment of the waste feeding, combustion control and/or flu gas treatment system then the it has the capability of shutting down the facility in a safe and controlled manner.

The CEMS system is continuously monitored by the facility Control Room and will be compliant with the IED 2010/75 EU Directive and the requirements stated in the Environmental Permit.

Frequently Asked Questions