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Given the 30 year minimum life of such plants what is your calculation of need in 2050 vs now?

Our projections extend to 2035 only as the potential variations in market conditions are considered somewhat less predictable at that stage. However, our modelling has included the effect of Wales achieving recycling targets well in excess of the very best performers within the EU, some which included highly developed collection systems that are unlikely to be achievable within the geography and population spread within Wales and England.  It is worth noting that within Table 5: Residual LA Contract Status within the catchment, there are no existing contract that extend beyond 2037. That would suggest that around 1.49 million tonnes of additional waste could be available between 2037 and 2050 within the catchment of the Buttington facility – 9 times the facility capacity.

The plant will be CHP ready, which means that it will be capable of exporting heat to an end user should the need arise.  It is anticipated that the ERF will be a catalyst to encourage other developments to take up the areas within the wider quarry that are zoned for employment use.  It is hoped that these would be development such as large scale agriculture, data centres, warehousing, distribution or office accommodation.  All of which would be able to use the heat.

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