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Please could you detail what steps you took to engage the local community in the preparation of the Health Impact Assessment?

Two ‘drop-in’ events were delivered in July 2019, one in Middletown Village Hall and the other at Buttington Trewern Community Centre. A total of 39 visitors attended the events. Two ‘formal’ consultation responses were received and also key themes discussed during the ‘drop in’ sessions were used to inform the HIA.

The period of notice and perceived limited scope of notification was criticised by the local community during the engagement events. The Project Team accepted this and, in order to address this, it was decided to circulate information about the Proposed Development and provide further opportunity to comment by way of sponsoring the November edition of the “Border Gossip” which is circulated to the local communities around the Trewern Community Council area. Unfortunately, no further correspondence has been received following the November edition circulation. 

Whilst only two formal responses to consultation have been received, key themes identified during discussions at the ‘drop-in’ events were noted and have been discussed in relation to the potential associated health and well-being impacts.